Adding Agents to Call Queues

Updated at July 27th, 2024

This guide will go over adding agents to Call Queues and configuring them for those Queues.


  • Call Center Supervisor or higher scope
  • Access to the Call Queues needed to be managed

Adding Agents

The Call Queues page allows you to add, edit, and delete agents for call queues.

From the Call Queues page, hover over the call queue and click the “Edit Agents” icon from the far right of the row.

An Edit Agents pop-up window similar to the following appears.

To add an agent:

Click the Add Agent button. The following settings appear.

 Complete the fields, and Click Save Agent. The color-coded status of the new agent is displayed:
– Green = available
– Gray = offline
– Red = on a call

Setting Description

                                              Agent Phone                                       

Select the agent's phone to add to the queue. (For an off-net agent - Add the 10-digit phone number, and select it from the dropdown box)


Select whether the agent can take calls (Online) or inactive (Offline).

Wrap up time

Use the slider to specify the amount of time the agent is allocated to complete paperwork after finishing a call and before a new call is

Max Simultaneous calls

Use the slider to specify the maximum number of calls an agent can take at one time. This will almost always be 1.

Order in Linear Hunt

Sets the dispatch order. If a call is dispatching, it will go to the available agent with the lowest order.

Queue priority for the agent

Sets weighting for an agent that is servicing multiple queues. If you have an agent servicing two queues and both queues have a person waiting, for example, the agent will get the call from the queue whose priority is highest (lowest number).

Request Confirmation

Enables or disables request confirmation. Choices are: 
Checked = requires the agent to confirm receiving the call. 
Not checked = agent does not confirm the call.

Auto Answer

Enables or disables auto-answer. Choices are:
Checked = agent phone answers automatically (not all phones support this feature).
Not checked = agent phone does not answer automatically.

Click Done.

To edit agent settings:

Hover over an agent, and then click the pencil icon at the far right of the window.

Settings similar to the following appear.

Complete the fields.
Click Save. The color-coded status of the new agent is displayed:
– Green = available
– Gray = offline
– Red = on a call

To delete an agent:

a. Hover over an agent, and then click the icon at the far right of the window.
b. When a confirmation prompt appears, click Yes to delete the agent or No to retain it.

When you finish working within the pop-up window, click Done.

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