Resolve Issues Recieving Email From UnitedCloud

Updated at July 27th, 2024


Resolving issues in receiving email communications from UnitedCloud.

A bounce message is also called a Non-Delivery Report/Receipt (NDR). It's an automated message from the recipient's email server with details about the specific problem with the email delivery.  To resolve the problem,

  • Ask the contact to work with their IT team to add our domain to their allowlist.
  • Once the IT team has added our sending domain to your allowlist, we will unbounce the contact.  Please email us, and we will remove you from the bounced list.

If you have unsubscribed, you can manage your preferences by navigating to a marketing email we sent through or . Search for an email in your inbox that contains our unsubscribe link in the footer. In the footer of that email, clicking on the unsubscribe link will bring up your preferences.

Your preferences are personalized and will look something like the screenshot below.  From there, simply resubscribe and click on the Update button.


Marketing emails

When contacts hard bounce on a marketing email, UnitedCloud drops them as recipients of future marketing emails. This protects our email-sending reputation by preventing future bounces. If any valid contacts bounce on marketing emails, there's likely a security filter blocking the incoming message.

Types of bounces

  • Hard bounce: usually indicates a permanent error, but can also be caused by a strict email security filter. To protect our email sender reputation, we exclude these contacts from future emails.
  • Soft bounce: indicates a temporary problem with the recipient's server, or another temporary technical problem. Contacts who soft bounce are eligible to receive future emails from us.

Hard bounce errors 

Unknown user: this indicates a permanent error caused by an invalid email address. We automatically drop contacts from future emails if they bounce for this reason. 

Mailbox full: this indicates a permanent error caused by an abandoned email inbox. We automatically drop contacts from future emails if they bounce for this reason. 

Content: something in the email body or subject triggered spam filters. To solve the problem, 

Spam: something in the body, subject, or  the From Address of the email that is classified as spam by the recipient's email server. To solve the problem, 

Policy: The email did not pass one of the recipient's server's security policies, but it is not explicit about which one. This includes DMARC, DKIM, and SPF authentication failures. 

Other: the response from the recipient's email server wasn't specific enough to categorize the bounce.

Soft bounce errors

Rejected by recipient's email security filter: there's a temporary problem with the recipient's server or HubSpot's sending IP addresses. 


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