Time of Day (TOD) Telephone Number Routing

Updated at August 30th, 2024


  • User scope of Office Manager or higher.

Advanced time-of-day (TOD) routing is done from the Domain Inventory Tab for your telephone numbers.

Enabling TOD Feature

A few quick options are all that are needed to route telephone calls to where you want them from the Inventory and Phone Number tabs:

  1. Enable Time Frames.
  2. Choose the timezone for the Telephone Number.
  3. Optionally, Add a Caller ID Prefix that will show on the phone's LCD for inbound calls.
  4. Pick the business (Domain) to which the telephone number relates.
  5. Enable the DID (note: always choose yes, or else it will ring out of service).
  6. Optionally, choose the date the telephone number will go into service or leave it blank for immediate use.
  7. Add any relevant notes for your reference in the Notes field.

Routing Options

  1. Select from one of the Time Frames you have already configured or use the Default one.
  2. Select the desired Treatment (User, Voicemail, Auto Attendant, Queue, Conference Bridge or SIP Trunk).
  3. You can add as many Time Frame options as you want by selecting them from the drop-down and clicking the plus symbol, such as Holidays, Daytime, Evenings, and others that you may have configured.
  4. Remember to drag and drop them in the order you want them checked from the left-hand column. In the example below, the system will first check that it is not a holiday and then likely route the call on the All Day rule. The Default time frame will catch anything that doesn't meet other criteria.
  5. Hit save, and the changes are committed and Live!
  6. Test for the desired behaviour.

New System User Creation (Time of Day - TOD)

For this special routing feature, a new system user, TOD 14165551212, and extension 14165551212 will be created. Of course, this is a non-billable system user, and it can be hidden from view by selecting the "Hide System Users" button in the Users Tab.

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