Viewing Call History

Updated at August 30th, 2024


  • Basic User access.

Call history allows you to review, filter, and export call logs for greater analysis.

Displaying the Call History Page

All call history tasks are performed from the Call History page. To display this page, click the
Call History icon on the menu bar:

The following figure shows an example of the Call History page. Thebutton at the
top-right side of the page refreshes the information.

Filtering Call History

Using the Filter button, you can filter your call history and view only the events of interest to

  • From the Call History page, click the Filters button. The Call History Filters pop-up
    window appears.
  • Complete the fields.
  • Click Set Filters. The Call History page shows only the events that match your criteria. If
    no events match your criteria; a message informs you that there are no matches to your
Settings Description
Date Range Select the From and To dates for the events you want to view. The maximum From-To range is 31 days.
User Enter the name or extension you want to view.
Caller Number Enter the caller number you want to view.
Dialed Number Enter the dialed number you want to view.
Call Type

Enter the type of call you want to view. Choices are:

  • Inbound
  • Outbound
  • Missed

Exporting Call History

You can export the call history in CSV format, and then open the information in Microsoft Excel for further manipulation.

  • From the Call History page, click the Export button.
  • When prompted, click Save.

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