Manager Portal User Scopes

Updated at September 4th, 2024

Table of Contents

Manager Portal User Scopes

Manager Portal User Scopes

These different scopes allow for customizable view/access levels within the Manager Portal.

User Scope Definitions
These are the default access levels:

An Office Manager is the highest scope that can be provided within a domain. It can view all information and make changes related to the domain that it belongs to.

Site Manager has a scope similar to an Office Manager; it can access all information and make changes, but ONLY to the site that it belongs to.

A Call Center Supervisor has access to all queues, call center reports, and agents that the user manages.

Call Center Agent has the same access level as a Basic User, but they can also view and use assigned call queues. 

Basic User provides access to information for that user profile only, as well as contacts in the domain they belong to.

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