Grandstream UCM Add a SIP Trunk

Updated at September 4th, 2024


  • SIP Trunk subscription
  • SIP Trunk credentials


UCM6102/UCM6104 - firmware

Note:  Caller ID must follow the NPANXX standard. The area code (NPA) must be a valid area code and the NXX must be a valid NXX. If the caller ID is not valid, calls will not route properly and will need to be corrected before calls can be successfully made. 




This article will show you how to set up a SIP trunk on the Grandstream UCM61xx series PBX. 

Setting up the SIP Trunk

  1. Login to the UCM6102/6104 webgui.
  2. From the menu, select Extension/Trunk and then VoIP Trunks
  3. Click “Create New SIP Trunk.”
  4. Enter thto be displayede required fields.
Field Description
Type Register SIP Trunk
Provider Name Company Name
Host Name Enter the hostname provided to you
TEL URI Change to User – Phone
Allow Outgoing Calls is registration fails Unchecked
CallerID Name Enter the name you want displayed when dialling a number
Username Enter your SIP Username
Password Enter your SIP Password
AuthID Enter your SIP Username

Leave all other options at their default values.

  1. Click Save at the top of the screen; a message will appear about ports. Select OK
  2. Locate your new SIP Trunk and click the edit button
  3. Under Basic Settings, confirm all information entered previously is correct and enter the domain hostname in the From Domain: setting and change the Transport type from UDP to TCP
  4. Click Advanced Settings
  5. Here we will update the codecs and enable the Outbound Proxy Support

    • Ensure PCMU, PCMA, G.729 and G.722 are in the right column and remove all others.
    • Enable Outbound Proxy Support by checking the box
    • In Outbound Proxy, enter
  6. Enter the maximum number of call lines. This will match the Outbound Limit set in the Portal SIP Trunk information.
  7. Click Save and then Apply Changes at the top of the screen.
  8. Click on System Status and then Dashboard.
  9. Locate the Trunks widget and locate your new trunk. Next to the name will be a dot. If all information is correct and the SIP Trunk has registered, the dot will be blue. If it is red or yellow, please go back and confirm that all information is correctly entered in the SIP Trunk settings.
  10. Your SIP Trunk is now successfully registered.

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